A few years back, Linux was first used to run servers. It was not suitable for desktops at the time. Over the years, Linux’s user interface and ease of use have improved. Linux is now able to replace Windows on desktop computers. It is used by hundreds of thousands every day around the globe. Here are some of the reasons. For career advancement, join our Linux training in Chennai. We offer certification and placement support.
What is Linux?
Linux is an operating system just like Windows, iOS and Mac OS. The Linux operating system actually powers Android, which is the most used platform on the planet. An operating system is a software that manages all hardware resources on your laptop or computer. The operating system coordinates the hardware and software connections. Without the operating system (OS), the software wouldn’t work.
Reasons to use Linux
High Security
Installing and using Linux on your computer is the best way to prevent malware and viruses. Linux is much less susceptible to viruses than Windows. This was the security factor that was taken into account when building Linux.
Programs cannot alter the system configuration or settings unless the user is logged in as root (the equivalent of the administrator user in Windows). Most users won’t log in to the system as root. This means that they will not be able to do any damage other than their files and programs. The downloaded file/malware will have very limited privileges. Surf the internet without worrying about your computer getting infected. ClamAV antivirus software can be installed on Linux systems by users to protect their workstations.
Linux is open-source software. This means that the source code can be inspected. This gives you a greater level of security. This code has been reviewed by many developers around the globe, which indicates that most of the issues have been identified.
High Stability
Linux OS is very stable and doesn’t crash often. The Linux OS still runs as fast after many years as it did when it was installed. We have all seen firsthand how the Windows OS works for six months to one year before it slows down. In most cases, the only option is to reinstall the operating system.
Linux servers boast a high uptime and availability of 99.9%. Linux servers are not required to be restarted after every update or patch, which is a big advantage over Windows. Linux hosts the most servers online. According to a ZDNet article, Linux is used in 96.3 per cent of the 1 million top Web servers. Twenty-three out of the top 25 websites use Linux. The last two websites in the top twenty-five are Live.com (owned by Microsoft) and bing.com (both owned by Microsoft). Join our Linux Course in Chennai with certification and placement support for your career development.
Maintaining your home is easy.
Linux is easy to manage because the user can update all software and the operating system from one central location. Each Linux distribution has its own central repository of software that is used to keep it secure and up-to-date. The system can be updated without needing to restart, as they provide regular updates. You can easily update your data with just a few clicks or even automate it. It is much more difficult to update a Windows system than a Linux one. Acrobat Reader, Firefox, and all other third-party software must also be updated in Windows.
Runs On Any Hardware
As we all know, with every new Windows OS release comes a lot of obsolete hardware systems. Their technical specifications no longer allow them to run the latest Windows OS. Linux excels at maximizing the system’s resources. Linux systems can accommodate the unique hardware needs of users. Users can choose the modules they want to install, and the installation process is flexible. This allows users to install Linux on older hardware and maximizes the use of hardware resources.
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This blog is intended to provide valuable information on Linux. FITA Academy offers Linux training. It provides training from real-time working professionals with certification and placement support to help you develop your career.